Hole… Lee… SHIT! So many Netflix movies are crap, it’s a shock to find a really good one. And even better, a movie with one of the most bone-chillingly evil and greedy corporate characters you could possibly imagine. Remember Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko in the 1987 flick Wall Street? Pffft – that character was a pussycat compared to Rosamund Pike’s spectacular performance as Marla Grayson. Perhaps her elaborate and legal scam against society’s most vulnerable – the aged – made her even more despicable.
Anywho, let’s jump in with the cast – Marla was a professional guardian for seniors, in partnership with a complicit doctor and nursing home administrator, and legally bonded by a clueless judge. Early in the film, we were shown how she could take control of the care and finances of an elderly woman, completely shutting out her son. She basically drained the estates of the elderly for their care and took a hefty salary, in addition to kickbacks from the doctor and administrator.
After one of her more lucrative “clients” died earlier than expected, the doctor found what they referred to as a “cherry” – the perfect target – a single, wealthy woman with no family and some minor memory issues that could be exploited to dementia – and legal grounds to control her estate. However, we soon found out that the cherry, played with another amazing performance by Diane Wiest (as Jennifer Petersen), was actually the mother of a vicious Russian mafia kingpin. Now this was getting good, I thought, this evil character has made a huge mistake.
There were several “come on, man!” moments in this movie – such as when Jennifer agreed to go with Marla in the first place to a nursing home without calling for legal help. Or once there, being unable to call anyone for help. Similarly, the speed in which Marla auctioned off Jennifer’s possessions in her house (and put the house up for sale) was equally ridiculous. Or later when she escaped an attempt on her life. These plot developments were annoying and frustrating, as this character was so horrific you will find yourself vociferously rooting against her.
But let’s not get too far ahead – because we still haven’t discussed the third leg of this cast power trio – the GREAT Peter Dinklage as Russian crime boss Roman Lunyov. One great performance in a movie is rare enough – but three? Jiminy Christmas, what a bonus. Peter’s character was a superb blend of a calm, calculating, mild mannered businessman with a vicious streak a mile wide. This truly set up a clash of the evil titans.
I don’t want to give up any more of the plot – suffice to say the movie roared to a twisting and stunning conclusion. Just watch it! 12 donuts out of a bakers’ dozen.