Every once in awhile, a movie comes along where all you can say to yourself is: “what in THE HOLY FUCK is going on here?” And here we are. This movie had a bizarre cast of characters, a bizarre plot, and even bizarre music. To sum it up, it was about a family of scammers pulling off one ludicrous and incredulous scam after another to make ends meet. None of the characters were likeable or worth rooting for – if anything, I quickly found myself rooting against them.
The cast was certainly promising, starring Richard Jenkins, always a strange character, Debra Winger and Evan Rachel Wood as a father, mother daughter team of grifters and scammers. However, their scams were so farcical and penny ante, it defied all credibility that they could have survived so long with this lifestyle.
To make matters worse, there were numerous scenes that were far too long and did not move the story line forward. For example, the massage and the false fingernail scenes.
Finally, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE BUBBLE FACTORY ABOUT? My only conclusion was that whomever wrote this happy horse shit did so after taking many psychotropic drugs. It dragged on and on and on and finally came to a pointless end that should have been accompanied by a sad trombone, admonishing us for wasting the nearly two hours running time.
2 fart bubbles out of 13.